Development Setup
First, you’ll want to clone the repo using Git.
git clone
Config Setup
For the config, if you are working in the same directory, I would name the config either test_config.yml or config.yml, as these are both untracked by git. I would still strongly suggest putting the config file in another directory entirely to avoid uploading your secrets.
The config template can be found below or in config_tmpl.yml
token: [BOT_TOKEN]
user: [user]
pass: [pwd]
port: 5432
Database Setup
I have included a script to help setup the db first time for you. You can just run the command below:
npm run db:setup -- --config /path/to/config.yml
pnpm run db:setup --config /path/to/config.yml
yarn run db:setup --config /path/to/config.yml
bun run db:setup -- --config /path/to/config.yml
Run the bot
Fleco is desgined to run on both Bun and Node.JS runtimes. So there is multiple ways to start the bot:
npm start -- --config /path/to/config.yml
pnpm start --config /path/to/config.yml
yarn run start --config /path/to/config.yml
bun run start:bun -- --config /path/to/config.yml